I've been meaning to write this post for a while now, and it's only today that I'm getting around to it, as the second winter wonderland train ride has already occurred (and then subsequent rides have NOT occurred due to weather).
The first winter wonderland ride occurred about a week ago... No snow in Geneva to speak of really, just a few flurries, but on the way to Bern, a field of white dotted with deer, snow-crested evergreens, just beautiful. On the return trip, I was seated across from a young girl, a student. We arrived in Lausanne, and I saw a few gentlemen pick up an abandoned scarf to return it to its rightful owner. I smiled at their kindness, then noticed that across from me, the young girl had dropped her "Abonnement Général" (a fare card for which you pay a large sum up front that allows you to take any train, tram, or bus in Switzerland, with only a few rare exceptions--I have one, and it is AMAZING!). I paused, not sure what to do, the girl had left minutes ago, but those gentlemen had done a kind service, so what was I waiting for? I glanced out the window, and the young girl was standing on the platform waiting for someone. Without thinking, I grabbed the card, dashed down the stairs, ran over to her a bit frantic for fear that the train would leave with all my belongings still aboard, screeching "I think you left this!" in French and handing her the card before dashing back onto the train. She was a bit stunned (by my screeching? by the fact that she had left the card? by the fact that I ran off the train to give it to her? I'll never know). But as I regained my seat, she gave me a grateful wave and a big smile through the window. And I was glad I had paid it forward...
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